On the latest episode of HBO’s “Big Little Lies,” Laura Dern’s character suffers a blow. Her assistant informs her that Susie Jenkins from the—ahem—San Francisco magazine called to say it was no longer including her in its Women in Power piece due to her bankruptcy. The reason? Because they only want women on top.
When Celeste (played by Nicole Kidman) tries to comfort her by saying: “I mean, it’s just a magazine article” (by the way, the nerve, Celeste. The nerve.), Renata responds:
“It’s not just a magazine—it’s women in power!” in reference to the significance of losing the status.
First of all: No. Just, no. As editor-in-chef, I would never authorize this. Nor am I even aware of a Susie Jenkins on staff. But when I find her...
Second: We can work with your bankruptcy. In fact, it adds more dimension to your story. Women in Power doesn’t mean “women with no struggles.” If ever there was a Tim Gunn make-it-work moment, this is it. We can do this, Renata.
Lastly: The woman who plays you, Laura Dern, will be featured in both both our sister publication, Modern Luxury Silicon Valley and San Francisco magazine in September. So take your fists off your hips and bring it in, Renata. San Francisco magazine would never dream of giving you the boot. You’re our girl—even if you can be a bit intense.
And, hey, look for our Power Issue in December. Will Renata make it? You’ll just have to see.